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SugarCat Simon's Web Site - of Feline Diabetes, a Diabetic cat, and the humans who love him
The information contained on the pages of Sugarcat Simon's Web Site does not constitute an is not intended to take the place of  formal veterinarian advice, suggestions, recommendations, or treatment methods.

These pages were created by and contain the information gathered by a non veterinarian owner of a cat with Feline Diabetes.

Every attempt has been made to insure that this information is correct and current, but none of it should be taken as an attempt to provide a definitive or complete method of dealing with Feline Diabetes.

If you are the owner of a diabetic cat, you must turn to the veterinarian community for formal treatment of the feline diabetes.

This is not to say that all veterinarians in practice are equally qualified to treat cases of Feline Diabetes, but rather that, as a whole, the veterinarian community is better trained and qualified to assist you with the diagnosis and treatment of your cat.

Just as in any profession, there are excellent veterinarians and there are poor veterinarians.

Your first task, when presented with the diagnosis of Feline Diabetes in your cat, is to determine the suitably of your present veterinarian in treating the disease.

Just as you seek out the best or most useful products in every day life and turn to specialists for the performance of services, you must also seek out a veterinarian who has the experience and knowledge necessary to successfully treat your diabetic cat.

Some concepts presented here, such as Home Testing of BG levels, are being used successfully by many owners of Feline Diabetes and have been found useful for the treatment of their diabetic cat.

While the author believes these concepts will be of value in the treatment of any Diabetic cat, you and a competent veterinarian must be the final judge as to the advisability of applying concepts provided herein.

This site is dedicated to Sugarcats everywhere and, in particular, to my Best Buddy - Simon

"Simon, If I could, I would search the entire universe for a cure for this damn disease.
Why did it have to be you?"

This site and all original material contained herein is
© Copyright 2000 by EvStar. All rights are reserved.